Top Test-Taking Tips for Elementary Students

For Kindergarten through 6th Grade

Week 9: The Week Before Halloween!

on October 27, 2022

Date: October 26th, 2022

by: Hailey Palella

9 Weeks Down!

I cannot believe it is already week 9! Last week, I taught reading and phonics. As I mentioned in my last post, I thought it went really well, the only thing that was a struggle for me was the word chains! However, it is a new week today and I was so thrilled to be in the classroom and back with my MT.

Today was like any other day in the classroom, students start off with their morning journal. I usually get the students’ working on it right away when they enter the classroom. As the students walk in and get settled I will usually say, “Good Morning, I am happy to see you all. Today is thoughtful Thursday and my MT will have a question with a sentence starter for the students to begin their morning journals on. This weeks question was, “Why are flamingos pink?” The sentence starter for the students was, “Flamingos are pink because…”. The students do a phenomenal job of answering the question and drawing their pictures. These kids are really good at drawing, I am very jealous! I think starting off with the morning journal is great because it is a slow start to the day before all of the content. Next, my MT will do a brief morning meeting, take attendance, lunch counts, etc. Then, Math instruction begins. Today I paid a lot of attention to Math because I will be teaching it the week of November 17th; a few short weeks :)! I took some notes on my MT’s classroom management strategies and how she teaches Math so I can mimic that in a few weeks.

With that being said, I think Math is the subject I am most worried to teach, I thought Phonics was but I think Math will be. The reason I am saying that is because I hated Math as a kid and I think those insecurities are coming out and that is not a good sign, however I need to stay positive. Thinking back to Field Experience 2, I taught addition to the students and it went really well. I am hoping for that same outcome for this lesson!

On a side note it was my MT’s birthday yesterday October 26th, so I brought her a little gift today! ๐Ÿ™‚

Next week, I will be teaching again, I am teaching reading and the target skill is story structure and dialogue; more specially visualization.

I look forward to another great week! ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is my LP outline at this time:

  • AS: Introduce Visualization (five senses), provide examples of five senses- (ask students for examples of what they feel/touch/taste/see/smell/visualize when they are at the movie theater- SB activity)
  • DI: Discuss visualizing parts of a story, review and read the story, โ€œA Cupcake Partyโ€ written and illustrated by David McPhail (TTW point out specific parts in story that students can visualize, TTW pause and have students visualize parts in the story and then have students explain what they are visualizing)
  • GP: Brief turn and talk activity; visualization of a playground in the summertime
  • IP: Complete premade graphic organizer with six boxes (five senses- what can I hear/see/smell/touch/taste/visualize in the story from the story)
  • C: Review visualization with students (TTW ask for some examples), prepare students for phonics

Here is the story that I will be reading and reviewing next week; “A Cupcake Party” written and illustrated by David McPhail!

Here is the story that I read to the students today! They loved it!

posted on: October 27th, 2022 at 6:41pm

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