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For Kindergarten through 6th Grade

Week #14: Goodbyes are Always Hard

Date: December 8th, 2022

By: Hailey Palella

I’m Not Good At Goodbyes

I cannot believe today was my last day in the classroom. Time has flown by so fast since the first day I met my MT and the students. I cannot believe I am already typing this blog post! I felt like yesterday I was entering the school and the classroom for the first time. I cannot believe our time is already up and that I taught my last lesson last week. Last weeks lesson did not go as planned, but I went with the flow and now I have taught five lessons to the 1st graders! I forgot to mention in last weeks post that I read the story called, “The Gingerbread Cowboy” written Janet Squires. The students loved this story! I have never read this book and I loved it. I will have to keep it in mind as I get closer to having my own classroom.

Since my last day was today, I thought it would be special of me to read a story that I wrote when I was in kindergarten. The story is called “Rainbow” and I made this book myself. I thought that since I read a story to the students each week, it would be a great opportunity to read a story that I wrote as a young student. The students loved it. I was so excited to read it to them. After I read my story to the students, I asked them if they had any questions about me that they wanted to know since it is my last day. The students were so excited to ask me questions, however I only called on three students because I did not want to waste too much time. I loved answering some of the students’ questions, some of them were upset that I did not call on them, but I told them that I would answer their questions if we had time later today. Besides that, today was a normal Thursday!

As I mentioned, today was another great day inside the classroom and I am very happy that I was placed at this school and in this classroom. I will take all of the feedback and suggestions that I have gotten over the course of the fifteen weeks from my MT and both of my professors (teaching and lesson plan feedback) into student teaching. During student teaching, I hope to work on my number one struggle during this field experience which was differentiation in the classrooms and making accommodations. I hope to improve on both of these because they are important and crucial to student learning. I was very sad to say goodbye to the students day, my MT told them that it was my last day and each student hugged me at least five times today. I am going to miss them very much. After I read my book to the students then my MT did phonics and then we moved into social studies. My MT said that the students had a surprise for me. I was shocked when she said that, but also really excited at the same time. I am thankful to have a MT like mine, she is so thoughtful, caring, and kind. The surprise that the students made was “Advice for Ms. Palella.” Each student got an organizer that says, “My advice for you in your first year of teaching…” and then the students had to write things that I make sure that I do and things that I don’t do during my first year of teaching, it was so sweet and their advice was so sweet and thoughtful. I have included some pictures of some of the students’ advice for me as I continue my education career!

Since today was my last day and because Christmas is right around the corner, I brought the students a small goodie bag! I brought each student one and made two extra for my MTs kids! The students were so excited when I passed them out. Before I handed them out though, I explained to the students that I want them to put the goodie bag straight into their backpacks and not take them out until they get home. I told the students not to open the goodie bag on the bus either, I told them that I would be sad if they got it taken away. I hope the students enjoy their goodie bag!

Until Next Time!

“All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

posted on December 8th, 2022 at 5:21pm

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